Inside the Indie Video Game Fairs.

Collecting impressions at gaming fairs is an exciting and essential process that provides a unique opportunity to interact with the gaming community and gain valuable feedback on our game.

In addition, these fairs also provide a platform for creating a photo album that captures the highlights of our experience at the event.

Below I show you some of the moments from the fairs in which we have shown our games and/or prototypes.
Showing our prototypes at fairs

Validation of the Initial Idea is essential, especially for an indie studio without investors or sponsors, as is our case.

Prototypes play a crucial role in allowing me to evaluate the viability of my video game concept before committing significant resources to its full development.

Through prototypes, I can analyze whether the game's mechanics, gameplay, and story capture the interest of the target audience. Trade shows represent the ideal setting to gather valuable feedback from real users and adjust my concept accordingly.

In parallel with collecting impressions, I try to document user engagement with my game, to capture those highlight moments of their experience, and it undoubtedly serves as a visual memory of an endearing day between users, other developers and the organization.