A video game studio to create wonderful experiences.

From my perspective as a thirteen-year-old young man, when I created my first game on a microcomputer of the time, the ZX Spectrum, without internet access or advanced resources, I have always longed for a career in video game development. However, due to various circumstances, I was never able to materialize that dream.

Today, many years later and with grayer hair due to the passage of time, I finally see my desire become a reality through the creation of an independent video game studio.

Rocketeer Industries is an independent studio

Which means assuming all the characteristics that come with being independent today. We are a small, close team, with limited resources, no investors or sponsors, but with an unwavering passion for developing high-quality technology and games.

What distinguishes us from the rest of the current panorama in the video game industry is that all the technology to carry out our projects is our own creation, we do not depend on engines developed by third parties. Every aspect of our games is conceived and crafted by ourselves, allowing us to maintain a unique and personal approach to each of our projects.

A study Almería.

Our studio is located in Almería, specifically in Carboneras, where our hard core resides, and where our technology is developed and we launch our games.

In addition, we also have a delegation in Bohadilla del Monte (Madrid), which is in charge of looking for sponsors and sponsors for our developments aimed at eSport variant.

My life philosophy for creating games.

The current state of the world is chaotic; We undisturbedly witness the armed conflicts that break out across the globe, observing the devastating impacts of the arms industry on the lives of men and women who directly face violence. Social networks, in turn, immerse us in a vivid experience of the realities of war, showing us its consequences in a raw and direct way.

In parallel, the world of video games does not remain immune to this reality. A plethora of titles emerge that allow us to assume the role of soldiers immersed in contemporary conflicts, transporting us through images to the possible sensations and experiences that characterize these war environments.

Paradoxically, the gap between witnessing a real war through social media and participating in a first-person game seems to be narrowing. Both experiences are presented as distant events, without tangible consequences in our lives. The question that arises, however, is crucial: What kind of world are we building by indulging in indifference to the reality of war, whether observing it from the distance of our screens or playing through virtual simulations?

It is imperative to reflect on the apparent emotional disconnection we experience when confronted with these events through digital media. Although these virtual representations can offer a window into understanding violence and its consequences, they also raise ethical challenges about the trivialization of war and desensitization to its real impacts.

Ultimately, the issue transcends simply observing events from the comfort of our devices; It urges us to consider how our actions and choices, whether in the virtual world or in tangible reality, contribute to the construction of the world in which we live. Indifference to violence and war, even if experienced virtually, raises questions about collective responsibility and the kind of society we are forging for future generations. At the crossroads between simulation and reality, we must critically examine our participation in building a world where violence can be trivialized or normalized.

By exploring the potential of video games as tools beyond entertainment, the opportunity arises to contribute to the construction of a more informed, empathetic society prepared to address the challenges of the contemporary world.

In this context, ethical responsibility in game design becomes essential. It is crucial to consider the psychological and emotional impact these games can have on players, as well as ensuring that sensitive topics are appropriately addressed.

Likewise, video games could become therapeutic tools to address mental health issues. Games specifically designed to help people manage stress, anxiety or depression could offer an innovative and engaging approach to emotional well-being. It is for this reason that my idea is to develop the so-called "Serious Games".

These "serious games" can play an important role in raising social awareness and promoting positive change.